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Mask wearing

Bacteria inside masks and oxygen deficiency from masks causes lung cancer

What you may have heard

Mask-wearing increases the risk of cancer.

What science tells us

There is a vast amount of evidence showing that long-term mask-wearing has no effect on cancer risk. The first […]

2022-08-25T15:04:45+00:00Categories: Lifestyle|Tags: |

Marijuana smoking

Smoking marijuana is safer than cigarettes and does not cause cancer

What you may have heard

Marijuana use causes cancer.

What science tells us

Marijuana is the name given to the dried buds and leaves of the cannabis plant; it goes by many names, including pot, […]

2022-08-25T14:59:57+00:00Categories: Lifestyle|Tags: , |


E-cigarettes are safer than cigarettes and don’t cause cancer

What you may have heard

Smoking e-cigarettes or vaping can increase your risk of lung cancer.

What science tells us

These products are known by many names including e-cigs, vape pens, vaporizers, and electronic nicotine delivery […]

2022-08-24T19:34:42+00:00Categories: Lifestyle|Tags: , , |

Tobacco use

Tobacco use causes cancer

What you may have heard

Tobacco use is a leading cause of cancer and cancer death. It is also the biggest preventable cause of cancer.

What science tells us

All tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and snuff contain […]


Stress increases cancer risk

What science tells us

Short-term or acute stress, such as stress you might feel before giving a speech, tends to go away soon after the stressful event. Long-term or chronic stress, however, is more damaging.

Chronic stress can weaken your immune system and increase your […]

2022-04-08T17:26:26+00:00Categories: Lifestyle|Tags: , |

Sitting too close to the TV

Sitting too close to the TV causes cancer

What you may have heard

The Daily Mirror published a story in 2003 claiming that sitting too close to the TV for prolonged periods of time increases cancer risk.

What science tells us

Older TVs gave off […]

2022-08-25T19:58:52+00:00Categories: Lifestyle|Tags: , |


Obesity causes cancer

What you may have heard

Obesity has been linked to various types of cancers.

What science tells us

Obesity or high body mass index (BMI) is a condition in which a person has an unhealthy amount and/or distribution of body fat. To measure […]

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